About Together in Holiness

Where Spouses Discover God’s Plan for Their Family
Together in Holiness is a marriage conference series for dioceses that inspires spouses to grow together in holiness and empowers parents to form their children in the Catholic faith. To learn more about the Together in Holiness marriage enrichment initiative, click here.
  • "I encourage all engaged and married couples within the local Church and beyond to attend our eighth annual Together in Holiness conference. The conference is a valuable part of our local effort in the Radiate Love initiative of the California bishops for couples and families. This retreat day will be an opportunity for couples to spend time with the Lord and one another. Authentic renewal is rooted in prayers, the Sacraments, and ongoing formation. The life of faith and the mission to evangelize begins in the domestic church, so I invite all of you to prioritize this conference."
  • - Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone Archbishop of San Francisco




  • Couple: $64 | Individual: $40
  • On-site Childcare (2-12 yrs): $5/child
  • Scholarships for couples and individuals are available.

  • Exhibitors*
  • Ministry (Non-Profit) Registration: $95 (includes registration for 2 people & 1 table)
  • Vendor (For-Profit) Registration: $165 (includes registration for 2 people & 1 table)
  • *Pre-approval for exhibitor booths is required and space is limited. Please email [email protected] for more information.

  • If you and/or your organization is interested in joining our mission as a supporting sponsor, please click here for the Sponsorship Form. You can also submit the form online by clicking here.
  • For questions or more information, please contact the conference coordinator at [email protected].

  • If you need assistance with the cost of the conference, we encourage you to apply for a partial or full scholarship (click here); if you feel called to contribute to our scholarship fund, you can do so at the time of registration.

Refund Information
  • If you are no longer able to attend the conference, after purchasing your ticket, you may choose to transfer your registration fees to a scholarship couple in need, or request a refund.
  • All refunds must be requested 2 weeks prior to the conference. The last day to request a refund is Friday, October 11. All refund requests made on or after October 12 will not be accepted, but the funds will automatically be transferred to a scholarship couple in need. Please email [email protected] to transfer your registration or request a refund.


10:00 AM
  • Conference Check-In
10:45 AM
  • Words of Welcome
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • How to Nourish Love in Your Marriage
    • Mario Sacasa, PhD, LMFT
12:00 - 1:45 PM
  • Break for Lunch and Prayer
2:00 - 3:00 PM
    • Marriage, Family, and the Virtue of Love
    • Deacon Dominick and Mary Ellen Peloso
3:15 - 4:15 PM
    • Sacrificial Love is Sanctifying Love
    • Mario Sacasa, PhD, LMFT
4:15 - 4:30 PM
  • Closing Comments
5:00 PM
  • Vigil Mass and Marriage Blessing
  • Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone


Archbishop of San Francisco

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone was born in San Diego on June 5, 1956. He attended public school through 12th grade and earned his BA in philosophy from the University of San Diego in 1978.  He earned a second bachelor’s degree in sacred theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in 1981.  Archbishop Cordileone was ordained to the priesthood on July 9, 1982.  He continued his studies at Gregorian University from 1985-89, earning a doctorate in canon law.   He was appointed Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of San Diego in 1990 and served as an assistant to the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura from 1995-2002.  On July 5, 2002, Pope John Paul II appointed him the Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego, where he served until his appointment as Bishop of Oakland on March 23, 2009. On July 27, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him as the ninth Archbishop of San Francisco.  He was installed on October 4, 2012.   Archbishop Cordileone chairs the Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage and sits on the Committee for Canonical Affairs.  He is a member of the Governing Board of the International Theological Institute and the Subcommission on the Liturgy for the Anglican Ordinariates.

Associate Director, Faith and Marriage Apostolate

Mario Sacasa, Ph.D. is the Associate Director of the Willwoods Community Faith and Marriage Apostolate. He is a licensed marriage and family therapist and has been in practice for over 15 years. Integrating the riches of the Catholic faith with sound counseling practice is the aim of his career and influences all his professional endeavors. Dr. Sacasa is the host of Always Hope, a personal growth podcast that sits at the crossroads of psychology and Catholicism. He travels the country offering lectures on hope, relationships, and mental health issues. He is the creator of two online courses: Dating Well, which helps young adults navigate the current dating scene, and Overcoming Stress and Anxiety, which offers clear guidance for managing stress in life. Dr. Sacasa is married to his wife of 20 years, Kristin, with whom he shares the joy parenting their four sons.

Fellow, St. John Paul II Foundation

Michael Villanueva, a devoted student and spiritual son of Pope St. John Paul II, is thrilled to represent the St. John Paul II Foundation as a Fellow. He also serves as the Coordinator of the John Paul II Center for Theology of the Body and is a growing national speaker known for his relatable yet highly thought-provoking style. A former seminarian for the Diocese of Phoenix, Michael earned his Master's in Theological Studies from the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family and his Bachelor’s in Philosophy and Theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville. He and his lovely wife, Rachel (another budding Catholic speaker), are blessed with 5 children: 1 in heaven - Francis Teresa, Magdalena Marie, Joseph Anthony, Chiara Gratia, and Ignatia Rose. Their podcast, All Things Nueva, has proven to be an effective companion to their speaking and teaching ministry.

Parishioners of Church of the Nativity

Dominick and Mary Ellen have been married for 50+ years. They have three grown children who are married and have 11 grandchildren. Mary Ellen is from La Crosse Wisconsin, and just retired after being an RN with Stanford Hospital for 52 years. She founded and runs the Perpetual Adoration program for the last 27 years. Dominick is from Hilo, Hawaii. He spent 10 years in the seminary, and 31 years as a police officer. He was ordained a permanent deacon in 1999. He currently runs the Vallombrosa Catholic Retreat Center in Menlo Park. Dominick and Mary Ellen both taught Marriage Preparation Classes for over 30 years.



St. Pius Catholic Church

1100 Woodside Road
Redwood City, CA 94061

For More Information:
Sydney Vacek, Conference Coordinator
[email protected]





    1177 W Loop South, Ste. 940
    Houston, TX 77027


    P.O. Box 5927
    Katy, TX 77491
