Senior Business Development Coordinator
Genevie Alejandro is a Senior Business Development Coordinator for the Together in Holiness Formations Series. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Texas State University. During her time in college, Genevie was involved with Bobcat Awakening and L.I.G.H.T. Ministries- retreat coordinator. Prior to joining the St. John Paul II Foundation, she spent 10 years in the food industry, in sales working with food manufacturers. She is excited to work with and help provide tools and empower families to grow together in holiness through St. John Paul II's teachings.
Fellow, San Juan Diego Institute
Dr. Hanning is a Professor of Theology and Catholic Studies and is a founding Fellow of the San Juan Diego Institute which serves several Universities, non-profits and religious apostolates, and a Fellow of the Havard Institute for Virtuous Leadership Institute and the Institute of Catholic Theology. In addition to teaching and consulting, Ryan also serves as Asst. Editor at Hearth & Field a Christian Agrarian Journal and writes and speaks internationally on education, theology, ecological ethics and virtuous leadership. He is the co-author of The WillPower Advantage: Building Habits for Lasting Happiness, along with Tom Peterson, Founder of Catholics Come Home. Ryan currently homesteads in Tennessee with his beautiful wife Rebecca, and their ten well socialized homeschooled children.
Associate Director of Ministries and Outreach, Archdiocese of Vancouver
Sister John Mary Sullivan, a Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist, holds a Masters in Theological Studies from the John Paul II Institute at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She earned her Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy at Central Connecticut State University. Sister John Mary is currently working for the Archdiocese of Vancouver as an associate director in Ministries and Outreach and is the coordinator for Marriage and Family Ministries.
Authors of Marriage Enrichment Material
Jeff and Elaine Polzer have been married 34 years and have 6 children, with their first grandchild on the way. They both graduated from Texas A&M University in the 80’s with degrees in Mechanical Engineering. Jeff was blessed with a 34 year career in Oil & Gas and Petrochemicals and is now retired. Elaine worked nine years for Amoco until the birth of their first child. Their family enjoyed two stints living overseas in England and the Netherlands. Jeff enjoys his retirement by spending more time with his family, maintaining and improving his mother’s birthplace in Schulenburg, and leading St. Faustina’s building team for the new church and other non-profit involvement. Elaine enjoys spending time with her family, focusing on the needs of a rising teenage daughter, gardening, and working with St. Faustina’s respect life ministry. They both enjoy biking, walking, escaping to Schulenburg, and the occasional trip to explore a new place. Marriage and family life have been priorities for them, knowing that these are key to a flourishing life and Church. Jeff and Elaine have been involved, on and off since the 90’s, in the Church’s Marriage Preparation program as a sponsor couple and are currently active in this role at St. Faustina.