About Together in Holiness

Where Spouses Discover God’s Plan for Their Family
Together in Holiness is a marriage conference series for dioceses that inspires spouses to grow together in holiness and empowers parents to form their children in the Catholic faith. To learn more about the Together in Holiness marriage enrichment initiative, click here.
  • "I am very pleased to welcome the first Together in Holiness conference to the Archdiocese of Detroit on Saturday, October 15. I would like to invite all married and engaged couples to attend this event, where you and your spouse can spend a day with one another, learning, and growing together. My prayer for each of you is that this conference will assist you in answering the call to holiness and inspire you in your mission to become domestic churches."
  • - Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron
            Archbishop of Detroit




  • Early Bird Couple: $54 | Early Bird Individual: $35
    •      Early Bird pricing ends August 22.
    •      A box lunch and a light afternoon snack is included for each adult registrant.
  • Couple: $64 | Individual: $40
  • On-site Childcare (6m-12yrs): $5/child or $20/family for 4+ children
  • Scholarships for couples and individuals are available.

  • Exhibitors*
  • Ministry (Non-Profit) Registration: $95 (includes registration for 2 people & 1 table)
  • Vendor (For-Profit) Registration: $165 (includes registration for 2 people & 1 table)
  • *Pre-approval for exhibitor booths is required and space is limited. Please email [email protected] for more information.

  • If you and/or your organization is interested in joining our mission as supporting sponsors, please click here for the Sponsorship Form. You can also submit the form online by clicking here.
  • For questions or more information, please contact the conference coordinator at [email protected].

  • If you need assistance with the cost of the conference, we encourage you to apply for a partial or full scholarship (click here); if you feel called to contribute to our scholarship fund, you can do so at the time of registration.

Refund Information
  • If you are no longer able to attend the conference, after purchasing your ticket, you may choose to transfer your registration fees to a scholarship couple in need, or request a refund.
  • All refunds must be requested 2 weeks prior to the conference. The last day to request a refund is Friday, September 30. All refund requests made on or after October 1 will not be accepted, but the funds will automatically be transferred to a scholarship couple in need. Please email [email protected] to transfer your registration or request a refund.


9:00 AM
  • Conference Check-In
9:30 AM
  • Mass and Marriage Blessing
  • Celebrant: Most. Rev Gerard W. Battersby
10:30 - 10:45 AM
  • Words of Welcome
10:45  - 11:45 AM
    • Household of God and Your Household: What Does it Mean to be a Domestic Church?
    • Sr. Joseph Andrew Bogdanowicz, OP
11:45 - 1:15 PM
  • Break for Lunch and Prayer
1:25 - 2:25 PM
  • Strengthening the Spirituality of your Domestic Church
  • Janet and Luis Diaz
2:40- 3:40 PM
  • The Eucharistic Mission of the Family
  • Dr. Ryan Hanning
3:40 - 3:45 PM
  • Closing Comments


Fellow, San Juan Diego Institute

Dr. Hanning is a Professor of Theology and Catholic Studies and is a founding Fellow of the San Juan Diego Institute which serves several Universities, non-profits and religious apostolates, and a Fellow of the Havard Institute for Virtuous Leadership Institute and the Institute of Catholic Theology. In addition to teaching and consulting, Ryan also serves as Asst. Editor at Hearth & Field a Christian Agrarian Journal and writes and speaks internationally on education, theology, ecological ethics and virtuous leadership. He is the co-author of The WillPower Advantage: Building Habits for Lasting Happiness, along with Tom Peterson, Founder of Catholics Come Home. Ryan currently homesteads in Tennessee with his beautiful wife Rebecca, and their ten well socialized homeschooled children.

Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit

The youngest of nine children along with his twin brother, Gerard W. Battersby was born May 15, 1960, to the late Christopher and the late Helen (Buckley) Battersby. He grew up in northwest Detroit and attended St. Benedict Parish and school in Highland Park. In 1993, he entered Sacred Heart Major Seminary as an adult vocation, and received a Master of Divinity degree in 1998, being ordained to the priesthood by Cardinal Adam J. Maida. After ordination, he served in parish ministry for approximately 10 years. He served as an associate pastor at St. Thecla Parish in Clinton Township, Presentation/Our Lady of Victory Parish, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish and St. Gerard Parish, all in Detroit. In 2002, he was named pastor of St. Christopher Parish in Detroit, and in 2007, was appointed to Sacred Heart Major Seminary, where he received a Licentiate in the New Evangelization in 2008. While serving as director of graduate seminarians and graduate pastoral formation at the seminary, Fr. Battersby also served concurrently as administrator of St. Leo Parish in Detroit. In 2009, Fr. Battersby was assigned to graduate studies at the Angelicum in Rome, Italy. In 2011, Fr. Battersby was appointed Vice-Rector and Dean of Seminarian Formation at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. In 2015, Fr. Battersby was concurrently appointed pastor of St. Mary of Redford, Detroit. Fr. Battersby was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit on November 23, 2016, and was ordained to the episcopacy on January 25, 2017.

Co-foundress and Vocation Director, Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist

Sister Joseph Andrew Bogdanowicz, OP, is one of four foundresses of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, MI.  As vocations director, she travels extensively giving talks, writes for various Catholic publications, and leads retreats for students, parishes, priests and seminarians.  She has appeared in media including EWTN, Oprah, NPR, CBS, and Fox & Friends to evangelize through the Community’s music.  Sister has written and compiled two volumes of And Mary’s ‘Yes’ Continues, much-needed books concerning Religious Life today.  Over 25 years, the Community has grown to over 150 members, with women coming from throughout the USA and internationally. The average age of the Sisters is 33 years old. This year Sister has been assigned as the Community’s “Eucharistic Revival Preacher,” an obedience that both humbles and excites her immensely!


Luis and Janet Diaz have been married for 40 years. They have three children and seven grandchildren (so far). They believe that placing their Catholic faith at the heart of family life is the best way to honor God with their marriage, to raise children, and ultimately to help all the family members to get to heaven. Luis worked his entire career in the field of human resources, working for various corporations. After retiring recently, he has dedicated himself to supporting the Diaz family through lots of babysitting grandchildren! He also enjoys racquet sports and of course time with Janet. Janet has worked in ministry in the Catholic Church in various capacities, including both parish pastoral ministry and work in lay ministry programs at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. She currently works as Director of Pastoral Formation for Church of the Holy Family in Novi, Michigan and also teaches seminarians and lay students at the seminary.



Our Lady of Good Counsel

47650 N Territorial Rd
Plymouth, MI 48170

For More Information:
Amanda Abi-Samra, Conference Coordinator
[email protected]





    1177 W Loop South, Ste. 940
    Houston, TX 77027


    P.O. Box 5927
    Katy, TX 77491
