about Together in Holiness

Where Spouses Discover God’s Plan for Their Family
"As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live. Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song. The Future starts today not tomorrow." –St. John Paul II
Together in Holiness is a marriage conference series for dioceses inspiring spouses to grow together in holiness and empowering parents to form their children in the Catholic faith.
  • Powerful presentations from national and local speakers
  • Quiet time together, Mass, Reconciliation, Eucharistic Adoration
  • Practical ideas and insights for spouses and parents
To learn more about Together in Holiness, click here.
  • Online registration closed on Thursday, September 13 at 12:00 pm (noon).
  • On-site registration will be available for adult conference walk-ups only
  • (NO CHILDCARE) in the Cody Enrichment Center at St. Joseph's Catholic Church on Saturday, September 15.
  • Cash, check, or credit cards will be accepted.
  • If you have any questions ahead of Saturday's event, please contact
  • Aubrie Miller at [email protected].

  • “The renewal of marital love is essential for the good of spouses themselves, for their families, and for society. I can’t encourage you strongly enough to attend this year’s Together in Holiness conference, and make the most of a wonderful day with the sacraments, with the excellent speakers, and with one another to consider practical ways to renew your marriage.”
  • Most Rev. Felipe J. Estévez, Bishop of St. Augustine


  • *Early bird pricing only available until August 6.
  • Early Bird Couple: $49
  • Early Bird Individual: $29
  • Childcare (2yrs-12yrs): Childcare is now full.
  • To be placed on the waitlist, please email [email protected].
  • Scholarships for couples or individuals are available. Please email [email protected] for scholarship inquiries.
  • A box lunch is included for each adult registrant. Parents are responsible for packing a lunch for their child(ren) who are in childcare.

  • *General pricing begins on August 7. 
  • Couple: $59
  • Individual: $35


  • Ministry Registration: $85 (includes registration for 2 people & 1 table)
  • Vendor Registration: $150 (includes registration for 2 people & 1 table)
  • *Pre-approval for exhibitor booths is required. Please email [email protected] for more information.
  • Refund Information:
  • *If you are unable to attend the conference, after you have purchased your ticket, you may choose to transfer your registration fees to a scholarship couple in need, or request a refund.
  • All refunds must be requested 2 weeks prior to the conference. The last day to request a refund is
  • Friday, August 31. All refund requests made on or after September 1 will not be accepted but the funds will automatically be transferred to a scholarship couple in need.


8:00 AM
  • Mass
8:30 AM
  • Conference Check-In
  • Childcare Check-In
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation (8:30 – 9:30am)
  • Light Breakfast
  • Exhibitor Booths - available throughout conference
9:30 AM
Words of Welcome
9:45-10:45 AM
  • “Marriage, Family and The Virtue Of Love”
  • Mary Caprio, M.T.S., C.F.C.P., Associate Fellow, St. John Paul II Foundation
  • Am I loving my spouse well?  What does true love look like?  Love and marriage were given to us from the beginning as a “way” to the Father.  Am I living this vocation well?  How does the sacrament of marriage assist me to love in this way?  This talk will explore the purpose and meaning of this particular and exceptional call to love.
11:00-12:00 PM
  • “Finding Perfect Joy Within our Imperfect Homes”
  • Fr. Richard Pagano, Parochial Vicar, Resurrection Catholic Church
  • Pope Francis in his recent apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exultate "Rejoice and Be Glad" reaffirms the Church's universal call to holiness. This presentation will focus on how each member of the family can grow individually and as a family in holiness in the midst of the challenges and sacrifices called for in ordinary everyday life. A particular emphasis will be placed on how communication, forgiveness, patience, daily prayer, reading Scripture, devotion to our Lady, and above all the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation can assist families to perfect their imperfections joyfully.
12:00-1:30 PM
  • Break for Lunch & Prayer
  • Box Lunch Pick-Up (lunch is included for conference registrants)
    • Lunch is not provided for children in childcare. Parents are responsible for bringing a lunch for their child(ren).
    • Sacrament of Reconciliation (12:30 – 1:30 pm)
    • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (12:30 pm – 1:30 pm)
    • Benediction (1:15 pm)
    • Exhibitor Booths – available throughout conference
1:45-2:45 PM
  • “Love, Life, and Learning:  Living the Vocation of the Family”
  • Dr. John and Mrs. Claire Grabowski
  • "God is love and in Himself He lives a mystery of personal loving communion" (St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio, no. 11) The Church's teaching emphasizes the interconnection of love and life within family and in this sees a reflection of God's own inner life. This has implications for the whole of a couple's relationship as spouses and their vocation as parents and teachers of their children. John and Claire Grabowski explore some of the blessings and challenges of living this beautiful vision, drawing on their own experience of doing family ministry as well as years of living as spouses, parents, and grandparents.
2:45-3:00 PM
Closing Comments & Sending Forth


Catholic Authors and Speakers

Married for 39 years, John and Claire Grabowski have 5 children and 12 grandchildren.  They have done pre-Cana marriage ministry together for over 30 years, post-Cana ministry for 10 years, and served as a member couple from the United States on the Pontifical Council for the Family after their appointment by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009.  Together they are the authors of the commentary on the anniversary edition of Familiaris Consortio (Boston: Pauline, 2015), One Body: A Program of Marriage Formation for the New Evangelization. (Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Press, 2018), and Raising Catholic Kids for their Vocations (Charlotte, NC:  TAN Books, 2019).  They have spoken together to groups of laity, priests, and bishops across the United States and abroad. They have also appeared together on EWTN television and Relevant Radio programs.   Claire has been a Catholic educator, stay at home mother, in-home childcare provider, financial administrative assistant, and care-giver and companion to the elderly.  She has been a mentor to women and couples and has been active in a variety of lay ministries for many years.   John has taught moral theology at The Catholic University of America for the last 33 years.  He has three times been appointed as a theological consultant to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  In 2015 he was appointed by Pope Francis to serve as an expert (adiutor) at the Synod of Bishops on the Family.  His books include A Catechism for Family Life: Insights from Catholic Teaching on Love, Marriage, Sex, and Parenting, edited with Sarah Bartel  (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018).  He also wrote the Foreword to the 1997 English edition of Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (Boston: Pauline, 1997).

Associate Fellow, St. John Paul II Foundation

Mary Caprio is the Director of Family Life for St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, as well as the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. She is also an Associate Fellow for the St. John Paul II Foundation, adjunct faculty at the University of St. Thomas in the theology department, and is a Certified Fertility Care Practitioner for the Creighton Model System. Mary attended University of Texas Health Science at Houston for her Bachelor’s in Nursing and Loyola University of Chicago for a Master’s in Nursing. Mary obtained a Masters of Arts in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville and a Masters in Marriage and Family with a focus on Bioethics from the Pontifical Institute of John Paul II for Marriage and Family at the Catholic University of America. Mary is a local and national speaker on theology of the body, marriage, and family, and she is certified in Bioethics through the National Catholic Bioethics Center.

Parochial Vicar at Resurrection Catholic Church, Jacksonville, FL

Fr. Richard Pagano, parochial vicar of Resurrection Catholic Church in Jacksonville, recently returned from studies in San Diego at John Paul the Great University. Father Pagano earned an MBA in Film Producing and Communications in order to impact culture for Christ and evangelize through new media efforts. Prior to his appointment in studies, Fr. Pagano was parochial vicar at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Palm Coast and served as Chaplain at St. Joseph Academy. Father completed his undergraduate studies at Ave Maria University and M.Div. at St. Vincent de Paul Seminary in Boynton Beach, FL. He speaks at nationwide youth conferences and has a passion for empowering the faithful through proclaiming the gospel. He attributes great vocational inspiration to Pope John Paul II who continues to inspire him to serve all of God’s people and embody the Truth that “from the Eucharist comes strength to live the Christian life and zeal to share that life with others” (St. John Paul II). In addition to serving Resurrection Parish, Fr. Pagano is a consultant to the diocesan Office of Communications and a campus minister at Jacksonville University.



St. Joseph's Catholic Church
Cody Enrichment Center

4152 Loretto Road
Jacksonville, FL 32223

For More Information:
Aubrie Miller, Conference Coordinator
[email protected]





    1177 W Loop South, Ste. 940
    Houston, TX 77027


    P.O. Box 5927
    Katy, TX 77491
