about Converging Roads

Where Health Care Ethics and Medicine Converge
Converging Roads is a regional conference series offering continuing education for health care professionals that equips them to practice the highest ethical and medical standards of their profession. To learn more about Converging Roads, click here.
    • Feedback from past attendees of Converging Roads:
    • "I’m so glad I attended. It was so insightful and gave me more knowledge on how to study more about human dignity, disabled persons and the correct way to explain our duty to others (as health care providers to our patients)."
    • "It is edifying to be with so many people trying to live their faith in a field that constantly challenges the truth."
    • "Thus far in my (nascent) career, my Catholic and medical identities have unfortunately been largely separate. I’m confident that the knowledge I obtained at Converging Roads and my subsequent reflection will serve me well on my path towards becoming the Catholic physician I’m striving to be."




In-Person Ticket Options:
  • Physicians/Physician Assistants: $159
  • Nurses/Nurse Practitioners: $139
  • General Admission*: $85
  • Medical residents, clergy, or religious*: $75
  • Student Scholarship Rate**: $15
Online Ticket Options:
  • Online tickets include access to the livestream on Saturday, March 1, as well as additional access to the recordings (from noon ET on Sunday, March 2, to 11:59 pm ET on Wednesday, March 5).
  • Physicians/Physician Assistants: $129
  • Nurses/Nurse Practitioners: $109
  • General Admission*: $55
  • Medical residents, clergy, or religious*: $45
  • Student Scholarship Rate**: $0
  • *Not eligible for CME/CNE credits, however, Chaplain certificates of completion can be requested upon registration for continuing education purposes.
  • **Not eligible for CME/CNE credits.

Exhibitor Opportunities:
Includes 1 exhibitor booth and admission for 1 organizational representative  
  • Ministry/Non-Profit (including CME/CNE credits): $180
  • Ministry/Non-Profit (not including CME/CNE credits)*: $105
  • Vendor/For-Profit (including CME/CNE credits): $230
  • Vendor/For-Profit (not including CME/CNE credits)*: $155
  • *Not eligible for CME/CNE credits, however, Chaplain certificates of completion can be requested upon registration for continuing education purposes.

  • If you and/or your organization is interested in joining our mission as a supporting sponsor, please click here for the Sponsorship Form. You can also submit the form online by clicking here.
  • For questions or more information, please contact the conference coordinator at [email protected].

Student Scholarships:
  • Undergraduate, graduate, nursing, and medical students are eligible to register for Converging Roads at the discounted rate above through the Dr. Mini Vettical Scholarship. If you are a student currently enrolled in classes and would like to attend the conference, please complete our student scholarship form prior to registering for the conference (click here).
  • If you are interested in providing a scholarship for a student to attend Converging Roads, you can do so at the time of registration or by clicking here.

Refund Information:
  • If you are no longer able to attend the conference, after purchasing your ticket, you may choose to transfer your registration fees to a student in need, or request a refund.
  • All refunds must be requested 2 weeks prior to the conference. The last day to request a refund is Friday, February 14. All refund requests made on or after February 15 will not be accepted, but the funds will automatically be transferred to a student in need. Please email [email protected] to transfer your registration or request a refund.


  • The Implications of Catholic Social Doctrine for Health Care
  • Rev. Peter Fonseca, MA, MS, MDiv
  • The Origins, Challenges, and Ethics of Transhumanism
  • Deacon Michael J. Deem, PhD
  • Human Dignity at the End of Life
  • Andrew S. Kubick, PhD, MA
  • Advance Directives: How Should a Catholic Prepare?
  • Rev. Peter Fonseca, MA, MS, MDiv; Deacon David Reardon, MD; and D. Brian Scarnecchia, MDiv, JD
  • The Mental Health Crisis for Children and Adolescents
  • Sister Maria Amata Rossi, RSM, MPsy
  • The Science and Ethics of In Vitro Fertilization
  • Daniel Kuebler, PhD


7:30 AM
  • Check-In Begins
8:00 AM
9:15 AM
Opening Remarks
9:25 - 10:25 AM
The Implications of Catholic Social Doctrine for Health Care
10:25 AM
10:35 - 11:35 AM
The Origins, Challenges, and Ethics of Transhumanism
11:35 AM
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Human Dignity at the End of Life
12:45 - 2:20 PM
Hippocratic Oath Luncheon
1:15 -2:15 PM
Advance Directives: How Should a Catholic Prepare?
2:20 PM
2:40 - 3:40 PM
The Mental Health Crisis for Children and Adolescents
3:40  PM
3:50 - 4:50 PM
The Science and Ethics of In Vitro Fertilization
5:00 - 5:45 PM
Wine & Cheese Reception


Bishop of Venice in Florida

Most Reverend Bishop Frank J. Dewane serves as the spiritual leader of approximately 250,000 Catholics in the 10-county Diocese of Venice in Florida. He was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2006 as the second Bishop of the Diocese. Bishop Frank J. Dewane was named Coadjutor Bishop of the Diocese of Venice in Florida by Pope Benedict XVI on April 25, 2006, and on January 19, 2007, he was installed in his current role as Bishop of the Diocese. In addition to holding a degree from the University of Wisconsin, Bishop Dewane also completed studies at The American University in Washington, D.C., as well as from Pontifical Gregorian University and Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, both in Rome. Prior to entering the seminary, Bishop Dewane worked for the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) in Moscow, Russia, and then for a subsidiary of PepsiCo in New York City. Ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Green Bay in 1988, Bishop Dewane was appointed in 1991 to serve as a member of the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations in New York City, during which time he represented the Holy See at several international conferences. In 1995, he was transferred to the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum” and was later appointed Under Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Bishop Dewane serves on the Ad Hoc Committee against Racism, and Subcommittee for the Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Bishop Dewane previously served on several committees at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops including the Committee for Domestic Justice and Integral Human Development (past Chair), Committee for International Justice and Peace. Bishop Dewane is a member of the Board of Directors of the Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land, and is the Episcopal Liaison for Catholic Charities, USA.

Associate Professor, Department of Human Genetics; Program Director, Multidisciplinary Master of Public Health; Core Faculty, Center for Bioethics & Health Law; Secondary Faculty, Department of Community Health Services and Rehabilitation Sciences – University of Pittsburgh, Permanent Deacon – Catholic Diocese of Pittsburg

Michael J. Deem is an Associate Professor in the Department of Human Genetics and Core Faculty in the Center for Bioethics & Health Law at the University of Pittsburgh, and serves as the Director of the Multidisciplinary Master of Public Health Program in the Pitt School of Public Health. He is also a Resident Fellow of the Center for Philosophy of Science, Associate Director of the Bioethics Certificate Program, and Secondary Faculty in the Department of Department of Community Health Services and Rehabilitation Sciences at Pitt. Dr. Deem received his Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame and completed the Pediatric Ethics and Genomic Fellowship at Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City. He is the author of more than 20 scholarly articles and book chapters on philosophy of science, bioethics, ethical theory, and empirical health research. He is currently completing a monograph for Cambridge University Press on fundamental concepts in genomic medicine, and is co-editor of two books for Oxford University Press: The Oxford Handbook of Genetic Counseling and Nursing Ethics: Normative Foundations, Advanced Concepts, and Emerging Issues. Dr. Deem lives outside Pittsburgh with his wife, Katerina, and their five children. They belong to Saint Aidan Parish, where is a Deacon.

Archdiocese of St. Louis, St. Louis University

Fr. Peter Fonseca, a priest of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, holds a Master of Arts in Theology, a Master of Science in Bioethics, and a Master of Divinity degree, as well as a certificate in Catholic healthcare ethics from the National Catholic Bioethics Center. Having previously served as a parish priest, he is now assigned as the director of continuing formation for priests for the Archdiocese of St. Louis while pursuing a PhD in health care ethics at the Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics at St. Louis University. His research focuses on the convergence of medical ethics and the pastoral needs of the faithful. In addition to his canonical assignments Fr. Fonseca serves as a bioethics consultant to various parties in the archdiocese and greater St. Louis area. He has presented at various conferences and seminars across the country and has contributed to local television and national radio programs.

Professor of Biology, Franciscan University of Steubenville; Research Director, Franciscan Regenerative

Dr. Dan Kuebler is a Professor of Biology at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, where he teaches courses on evolution, cell physiology, bioethics, and science and faith. He is the host of the Purposeful Lab podcast, a podcast that examines the order and purpose inherent in the world around us. His scientific work focuses on studying the characteristics and variability of adult stem cells found in human bone marrow and adipose tissue.  Dan is the co-author of The Evolution Controversy: A Survey of Competing Theories (Baker Academic, 2007) and is author of the forthcoming book Darwin and Doctrine: The Compatibility of Evolution and Catholicism from Word on Fire Press (2025). He has written both academic and popular articles on issues related to science, religion, and bioethics. He is the Vice-President of the Society of Catholic Scientists and is on the board of the Spitzer-Magis Center.

Deputy Director of the National Center for Religious Freedom Education, and Research Fellow in Bioethics and Medical Conscience at the Religious Freedom Institute

Dr. Kubick holds a PhD in Bioethics from the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum and an M.A. in Theology from Holy Apostles College & Seminary. He serves as Deputy Director of the National Center for Religious Freedom Education and Research Fellow in Bioethics and Medical Conscience at the Religious Freedom Institute, Personal Consultations Ethicist at the National Catholic Bioethics Center, and Adjunct Instructor of Bioethics at University of Mary. His first book is titled Transplanting the Womb: A Catholic Bioethical Analysis (NCBC, 2024). He has published in The Catholic Journal on Religious Freedom and Health Care, Dignitas, Ethics & Medics, National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, Public Discourse, and St. John Paul II Journal of Bioethics. He has presented scholarly work at the annual conferences of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Catholic Medical Association, Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity, and Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. Dr. Kubick has developed bioethics and religious freedom curricula for secondary, undergraduate, and graduate education as well as for adult learners.

Religious Sister of Mercy of Alma

Sister Maria Amata Rossi is a perpetually professed member of the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, a religious institute of pontifical right dedicated to the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. She earned a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology in 2021. She is currently working toward a Doctorate (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology from the Institute for the Psychological Sciences at Divine Mercy University, an APA-accredited graduate school focused on the scientific study of psychology with a Catholic understanding of the person, marriage and the family. Her clinical experience includes psychological assessments and psychotherapy for adults, adolescents, and children within community-based clinics, private practice, and VA medical center settings. In addition, Sister has served as a hospital chaplain and in various roles in diocesan chanceries. She is currently assigned to her community’s convent in Clinton, Maryland.

Southwest Florida Guild of the Catholic Medical Association Board Member

Dr. David Reardon has been a practicing pathologist in Lee County since 1987. He is married to Mary and they have two adult children. He is a member of The Resurrection of Our Lord Parish in Fort Myers where he is a lector, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, and involved in a ministry with the elderly. He is presently an aspirant in the permanent diaconate program in the Diocese of Venice in Florida.



Accreditation Statement
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA) and St John Paul II Foundation. Christian Medical & Dental Associations is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Physician Credit
The Christian Medical & Dental Associations designates this educational activity for a maximum of 6 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Physician Assistant
AAPA accepts certificates of participation for educational activities certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ by an organization accredited by the ACCME or a recognized state medical society. Physician assistants may receive up to 6 credits for completing this activity.

Nurse Practitioner
The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program (AANPCP) accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by the ACCME. Individuals are responsible for checking with the AANPCP for further guidelines. Nurse practitioners may receive up to 6 credits for completing this activity.


This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the Georgia Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Criteria for Successful Completion: Contact Hours awarded commensurate with participation and submission of completed participant evaluation form. Determination of credit is pending.

Click here for full CME/CNE details

The National Association of Catholic Chaplains has approved this program for 6.25 Continuing Education Hours. Please select the General Admission or Clergy/Religious (if applicable) ticket option and request a certificate of completion on your registration form.

Social Workers and Counselors
If you are seeking Social Worker or Counselor continuing education credits, we can provide you with a certificate which states that you completed  hours.  Please select the General Admission ticket option and request a certificate of completion on your registration form. For questions, please email Conference Coordinator Gabby Anglin at [email protected]


St. John XXIII Catholic Church

13060 Palomino Ln
Ln Fort Myers, FL 33912

For More Information:
Gabby Anglin, Conference Coordinator
[email protected]





    1177 W Loop South, Ste. 940
    Houston, TX 77027


    P.O. Box 5927
    Katy, TX 77491
